When I am Hopeful by Jan Simson (Theme: When I am Hopeful)

When I am hopeful
I don’t mourn the recent loss of my brother as such,
But think of our holidays as kids that we loved so much.
I am hoping he’s somewhere the tide can’t reach,
Building endless sandcastles on the beach.

When I am hopeful
I don’t mourn the recent loss of my mother you see,
As I’m hopeful I know just where she’ll be,
Reaching for the gentle hand of my father,
And tripping the light fantastic, rather!

When I am hopeful
My arthritis doesn’t seem so bad you know,
I am hopeful each day that I can get up and go,
And I do every day, in the wind, in the rain,
As it’s just a glitch, I’m not in pain.

When I am hopeful
I see the love and devotion from my dog, jack,
And with all my heart hope that I give enough back,
So always be hopeful, be determined, be strong,
It certainly helps me get along.


  1. Thank you for writing and sharing such a personal poem x

  2. There is for sure strength and determination in your words.....and of course hope ...


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